Horseshoe Bend

Today we hiked out to Horseshoe Bend. This is a 270 degree bend in the Colorado River just south of Glen Canyon Dam near Page, AZ. It’s a 1.5 mile hike up and down hills over rough terrain in 90 degree heat. Not that big of a deal… unless you’re on crutches. Maddie was a trooper. This after she crutched half a mile through Antelope Canyon. The hike was worth it; look at that view.

Call IT

Fortunately we brought our own IT guy. So far today Jason has installed the Blu-ray player and fixed the toaster.

Happy Birthday Jason!

Hoover Dam

Always impressive. Visitors Center is on the Nevada side, but RV parking is on the Arizona side. That’s over a mile hike in 105+ degrees. See the RVs in the distance of the last photo.

Custom Plate

I have more kids than usual on this trip, so I had to customize my license plate. I’m sure the cops won’t mind.